New Entity

Draft 1.1:

Source Code: windowView.js

Purpose: Optimized Onscreen Assets

Additional Usage: Build window related logic to extend visual effects.

// Copyright (C) 2020 New Entity Operations Inc.
// All Rights Reserved
// P8: windowView.js
// windowView.js
// Version 0.4 (12/24/2020)
function windowProperties() {
    var currentURL = document.URL;
    var illusionValue = indexMapURL.get(currentURL);
    var unityObject = 0;
    var screenX = screen.width;

    // Create a mapping table for lookups. All available photo-links are put into the table
    let photoEntity = new Map(); // Create a new photoEntity mapping object
    let listPath = new Map();

    // Build with the unifier
    function utilityBuild() {
        document.getElementById("windowModifiers").innerHTML = "The delivered `unityObject` was: "+unityObject;
    function dynamicMapURL() {
        // Finally, setup/build with the unifier upon concluding the init
        function utilityBuild(unityObject) {
            // document.getElementById("windowModifiers").innerHTML = "The delivered `unityObject` was: "+unityObject;
            //Insert the src="" node attribute with the correct index position of all the available photo-slugs
            try {
               document.getElementById("mainImage").src = photoEntity.get(unityObject);
            } catch (err) {
               console.log("Enter the action view to browse media assets.")

        // For the base nth class
        function utilityScore(screenX) {
            if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMin) {
                // Ancor uObject to constant
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMin1) {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMin2) {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal3;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMin3) {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal4;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMin4) {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal5;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else if (screenX < levelVisionRenderMax) {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorMinimal6;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
            } else {
                unityObject = weightVectorProcessorHDR;
                // console.log(POSel+unityObject);
        // 'bindScalar'
        // document.getElementById("windowModifiers").innerHTML = "Init Map: "+currentURL;
        // document.getElementById("windowProperties").innerHTML = "XValue: "+screenXtext+screenX+"PX"+"  |  "+"YValue: "+screenYtext+screenY+"PX"+"  |";

        // Provide a functional runner

        // Address enqueues if there are any
        function getURLDependsLink(listPath, metaSearch) {
            // console.log("Finished writing to silo... Total enqueued:  "+listPath.size);
            let photoEntity = new Map(listPath);
            let lookupInformation = new Map(metaSearch);
            // console.log("Made it to the GUDL... Total enteries: "+photoEntity.size);
            //Insert the src="" node attribute with the correct index position of all the available photo-slugs
            // console.log("The `unityObject` is being displayed as: "+unityObject);
            document.getElementById("mainImage").src = photoEntity.get(unityObject);
            // Extend the try for each specification needed
            try {
              document.querySelector("#classifierObjects").innerHTML = lookupInformation.get(classifierQueueLookup);
              // console.log("Matching to the classifer on node: "+i+" with a known value of: "+classifierQueueLookup);
            } catch(err) {
              console.log("No default classifiers were picked up.");
            try {
              document.querySelector("h2").innerHTML = lookupInformation.get(descriptiveTitle);
              valueDescriptiveTitle = lookupInformation.get(descriptiveTitle);
              valueRecordCreationDate = lookupInformation.get(recordCreationDate);
              valueOwnerCopyright = lookupInformation.get(ownerCopyright);
              valueSafetyRating = lookupInformation.get(safetyRating);
              console.log("Viewing: "+valueDescriptiveTitle+", Copyright (C) "+valueRecordCreationDate+" "+valueOwnerCopyright+". This image has been rated: "+valueSafetyRating);
            } catch(err) {
              console.log("Some of, or all of your defined classifiers weren't found.");
        var illusionValue = indexMapURL.get(currentURL);
        // console.log(indexMapURL.size)
        // HNLEHHNLPSHE28
        // document.getElementById("windowURLMap").innerHTML = "Map generated for: "+illusionValue;
        // console.log(illusionValue);
        if (illusionValue > 0) {
            // console.log("Made it to the listEnC, had a hit...");
            // Or use a complex metaParser
            // var metaParser = metaParserValue1;
            // console.log("Using the metaParser method: "+metaParser);
            var i = illusionValue;
            // console.log(i);
            fieldIdentifier = constructorMapBuild[i].get(0);
            // console.log("You found: "+fieldIdentifier);
            var theHitValue = fieldIdentifier.split('->')[1];
            // console.log(theHitValue);
            // metaParser: Compensate for any offsets
            let listPath=constructorMapBuild[i-1];
            let metaSearch=constructorMapBuild[i-1];
            getURLDependsLink(listPath, metaSearch);
            // console.log("Looking with :"+listPath);
        } else {
            // console.log("The illusionValue was most likely returned as undefined: It may be that a Map wasn't located.");
// console.log("Current URL bound: Processing...");
// console.log(currentURL);

function runWindowRoutine (legacy=0) {
  // console.log("Supporting Legacy builds: "+legacy);

// Actions Center
// Perform action and consider various legacy scenarios
if (document.addEventListener, legacy=ON) {
  // Active runner, extend as needed
  document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
} else if (document.attachEvent, legacy=ON) {
  // Branch browsers here as neededo
  // console.log("Legacy support enabled?: "+legacy+" ->Consider upgrading browsers for a higher definition display!");
  document.attachEvent("DOMContentLoaded", runWindowRoutine);